Comparative Study
Journal Article
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A comparative analysis of second-trimester ultrasound dating formulae in pregnancies conceived with artificial reproductive techniques.

A dataset of 64 pregnancies conceived by artificial reproductive techniques was studied to assess the accuracy of second-trimester dating formulae when these were applied in routine ultrasound clinics in different centers. Dating formulae for biparietal diameter (BPD) and femur length (FL) were derived for a gestational age range of 14-23 weeks. The best fit curves represented linear equations: gestational age (days) = 44.2 + 2 x BPD; and gestational age (days) = 67.4 + 2.3 x FL. Twelve published formulae for biparietal diameter and femur length were reviewed and systematic and random errors were calculated for these formulae when they were applied to second-trimester scan measurements in precisely dated pregnancies. Overall, published dating formulae performed well in predicting gestational age. The 95% confidence interval was 8.3 days for biparietal diameter and 10.2 days for femur length. The study confirms the accuracy of ultrasound dating in routine ultrasound clinics and supports the use of ultrasound measurement alone in preference to menstrual history for dating pregnancy.

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