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Intrauterine growth retardation and fetal cardiac function.

Intrauterine growth retardation is a pathology which is found in 3-10% of all pregnancies and it is associated with around 20-25% of all fetal intrauterine deaths and with long-term neurologic sequelae. It presents an increased risk of distress during labor and delivery and a greater risk of perinatal mortality. The causes of IUGR and the cardiac and venous Doppler in normal fetuses are analyzed, and the hemodynamic cardiac modifications in IUGR fetus are discussed. The fetal cardiac function in intrauterine growth retardation shows a redistribution of the fetal cardiac output, which tends to favor the left ventricle as the mechanism to compensate for the uteroplacental insufficiency. The Doppler velocity indices are modified as the fetal condition progressively deteriorates and they represent an important tool for the management of the complicated pregnancy.

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