Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
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A new PCR-based approach for the specific amplification of DNA from different Schistosoma species applicable to human urine samples.

Parasitology 2006 November
Currently available methods for the diagnosis of human schistosomiasis often lack enough sensitivity and specificity. Recently, several authors have developed more specific and sensitive diagnostic methods, mainly based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Nevertheless, these have been only applied for the diagnosis of 1 out of 4 Schistosoma species affecting man (S. mansoni). Additionally, application of specific PCR has been exclusively used for blood or faecal patients' samples. Here, we develop a new, high sensitive PCR approach that allows the genus- and species-specific amplification of the main 4 Schistosoma species causing disease in man plus S. bovis. We further successfully apply this technique for the detection of parasite DNA in easy-to-handle urine samples from patients with schistosomiasis. With these samples, we have found 94.4% sensitivity and 99.9% specificity when applying a genus-specific (Schistosoma spp.) primer pair, and 100% sensitivity and 98.9% specificity in a species-specific (S. mansoni) PCR.

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