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Global status of fish-borne zoonotic trematodiasis in humans.

Acta Parasitologica 2013 September
Fishborne zoonotic trematodes (FZT), infecting humans and mammals worldwide, are reviewed and options for control discussed. Fifty nine species belonging to 4 families, i.e. Opisthorchiidae (12 species), Echinostomatidae (10 species), Heterophyidae (36 species) and Nanophyetidae (1 species) are listed. Some trematodes, which are highly pathogenic for humans such as Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, O. felineus are discussed in detail, i.e. infection status in humans in endemic areas, clinical aspects, symptoms and pathology of disease caused by these flukes. Other liver fluke species of the Opisthorchiidae are briefly mentioned with information about their infection rate and geographical distribution. Intestinal flukes are reviewed at the family level. We also present information on the first and second intermediate hosts as well as on reservoir hosts and on habits of human eating raw or undercooked fish.

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