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Intralesional injections.

Several types of agents used for intradermal and intralesional injection have been presented along with general discussion of technique and principles of use. We have a great deal of respect for the effectiveness of properly utilized injections in the treatment of various conditions, and we also know that if used improperly, these agents can do more harm than good. For this reason, we caution practitioners to use common sense and to refer to product information and specific sources for additional information before using any of the medications or drugs discussed here. Special attention should be given to systemic absorption and the use of these drugs in infants and children, pregnant and nursing females, and in patients with systemic illness. Each of the agents presented must be evaluated independently and information and experience gathered will aid in the longterm results of their use. We hope this report helps to describe intralesional injections for treatment of some of the more common lesions and that your patients will benefit from this technique.

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