Journal Article
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Spectrum of CT findings in amebic colitis.

Entamoeba histolytica is distributed throughout the world. Invasive amebiasis affects millions of people globally, and the associated complications cause 40,000-100,000 deaths per year. In countries where fecal-oral transmission is unusual, amebic colitis is not common, and the infection may be seen in travelers to and emigrants from endemic areas. Without adequate treatment, amebic colitis may develop into fulminant and become rapidly fatal. With the current increase in global mobility, amebic colitis should be suspected even in patients not in the endemic areas. CT plays an important role in the diagnosis of amebic colitis by demonstrating the presence of colitis with the typical involvement of the cecum and rectum. Pathological features of atypical involvement are also demonstrated. Since preoperative diagnosis can reduce the mortality associated with necrotizing colitis, radiologists need to recognize the typical as well as atypical CT findings of amebic colitis. Considering this requirement, this paper aims to describe the histopathologic features of amebic colitis and to illustrate the spectrum of corresponding CT findings.

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