What We Offer
We take clinical guidelines and convert them into practical handheld tools on the Calculate by QxMD platform. We also drive awareness, dissemination and engagement with the primary guideline publications via the Read by QxMD platform. We support iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones & tablets and any web-enabled device (including desktops).

Example: Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
CTFPHC has a mission to develop & disseminate evidence-based guidelines on preventive health services for primary care providers.
As part of their mandate to focus on knowledge translation, they saught out a solution to drive engagement with their target audience, the Canadian primary care community. After they elected to leverage the QxMD platform, we started by adapting their library of guidelines into mobile, interactive tools that could be accessed on the Calculate by QxMD platform.
By embedding content on the QxMD platform, they were able to immediatly plug into an existing engaged audience of their target demographic.
Not only that, the Guidelines became accessible in bite-size chunks that were easily accessible at the point of care.
Example: Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
In addition to using the Calculate decision support platform, a desire was identified to connect clinicians with the primary CTFPHC guidelines documents.
The Read by QxMD platform proved an ideal solution. Read was used to target the Canadian primary care community and feature CTFPHC guidelines.

A Simple Process
Share Your Guideline
Tell us a bit about your work and help us understand how we can make it simplest for front-line clinicians to use.
Identify Target Audience
Help us identify the locations, professions and clinical/research specialties that would benefit most from engaging with your guidelines
Provide Feedback
Test out what we build and let us know how we can optimize it further.
Go Live
We make your work available to the global audience of healthcare professionals on the QxMD platform each month.
QxCalculate allowed us to translate the knowledge from our model on Day 1. In an era where bench to bedside translation can take more than decade, this kind of collaboration can greatly accelerate the knowledge to action cycle.
We used the Read platform to disseminate our international guideline on lipid management in chronic kidney disease, targeting relevant readers from primary care, cardiology, endocrinology and nephrology. In 30 days, Read helped us to achieve:
36,833 views of the article title advertising availability of the paper
3585 abstract reads
1994 full paper reads
Read is an excellent way for guideline developers to quickly reach a large but targeted audience of potential users.
Read by QxMD is an extremely useful tool to help clinicians and researcher stay current with the latest papers and topics in medicine. The Read platform is a potential driver in healthcare quality improvement. Academic libraries and its university partners can use Read to address emerging issues (e.g, the opioid crisis) in order to disseminate information and practice guidelines in a timely way as a response to the epidemic.
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