Make Clinical Guidelines Leap from the Page
QxMD adapts guidelines into mobile friendly and interactive resources that live in the app ‘Calculate by QxMD’. By going mobile/digital, we help users discover & meaningfully engage with the latest clinical guidelines.
In addition, QxMD can disseminate the guideline to a targeted audience via the app ‘Read by QxMD’ to maximize distribution and engagement to help your guideline authors with their goals.
What We Offer
Why include guidelines and consensus statements in Calculate by QxMD?
– Drive meaningful engagement with published content
– Ability to include calculators and decision support tools related to the guideline
– With 3M users per year on our platform, we offer readers a tool that’s embedded in an app
that they likely already use – no need to adopt a new app that only provides 1 function
– Support for Android, iOS, web and any mobile web-enabled device
Why disseminate guidelines via Read by QxMD?
– Disseminate to your target audience, by demographics such as country, clinical
specialty, profession
– Access an audience who may not regularly read your journal
– Retargeting techniques increase engagement over time
Why co-publish decision support tools in Calculate by QxMD?
– Support authors in their knowledge translation efforts
– Increase impact of published research
– Support for Android, iOS, web and any mobile web-enabled device
– Help readers apply research at the point of care

A Simple Process
Partner with QxMD
Decide on Services Needed
Go Live
Launch to your entire readership at the moment of publication, as well as a built-in 3 million strong QxMD audience of clinicians and scientists.
Watch the Engagement Grow
Case study: Adapting CLL-IPI into a mobile tool
Available moment of publication
Knowledge Translation
Access a Built-In Userbase

- iPhone 93%
- Android 87%
- iPad 75%
- Web 89%