Patient status, Home Services
· D/C planning involves the patient/ friends/family/other caregivers where appropriate
· General health status, nutrition, mental health, sleep hygiene, bodyweight, and need for smoking cessation counselling has been assessed and deemed appropriate for discharge
· Able to feed independently while sitting without undue fatigue
· SpO2 > 88% during ambulation, with or without supplemental O2
· Assessed for home oxygen, under different conditions, and/or night-time mechanical ventilation completed
· Assessed for and set up with home health (PT, OT, SW, RN) and community supports if indicated, and/or has been provided with info on this
· Referred to pulmonary rehabilitation and physician follow-up appointment
· Update mobility/balance assessment to determine if patient is safe for discharge.
· Prescribe mobility aids and/or hip protector if there is a fall risk.
· Patient should be able to ambulate a distance in accordance with home and community needs
Education — consistent information, in laymans’s terms to patient and family
· Written home activity/exercise plan provided
· Inhaler technique, use of oral medications, use of supplemental O2 (including connections, flow rates, use with gait aids, potential side effects
· Action plan for management of future AECOPD
· Patient has received education on self monitoring and self management of COPD (i.e. pacing, airway clearance, breathing techniques, smoking cessation etc.